Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tenses Part I - Simple Present Tense

The concept of time can be split into:
  1. The Present - What you are currently doing.   
I eat, I am eating                                  
  1. The Past - What you did some time back.  
I ate, I was eating
  1. The Future - What you will do later.  
I will eat, I will be eating                                             
In the English language, tenses play an important role in sentence formation. 
The tense of a verb shows the time of an event or action.
 There are four types of tenses. Simple, Perfect, Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous and each of these has a present, past and future form. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Prepositions Part III

List of Prepositions

Prepositions can only be learnt by memory; unfortunately there is no method or particular way to recognize and learn them. To help you with memorizing the different prepositions, here is a list of common prepositions.

Simple Prepositions 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Prepositions Part II

Kinds of Prepositions -

Simple Prepositions   
  - These prepositions are constructed by only one word like -
  - Onataboutwithafterfor, etc. 
  - He found the book about dogs on the table, in the bedroom.

Double Prepositions

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Prepositions Part I

Prepositions are the words which are used to connect the different nouns, pronouns and phrases in a sentence. It functions to introduce or precede the word or phrase to be connected, called the object of the preposition.
The preposition usually indicates the relation between the words it is connecting. It tells whether the words are connected in actual space or a place, or related through time or are they part of a thought or process.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nouns Part III

These nouns are the names of things that we cannot perceive through our five senses of touching, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting. These nouns can also refer to medical conditions related to the mind and are also used to express  thoughts.
  • She screamed with great delight. - Delight is an abstract noun as it tells about the state of a person’s mind and any actual physical thing. 
  • His bravery in the war won him a medal. - The abstract noun bravery is used to name the motivation behind certain actions made by people.
  • One should learn to be as independent as possible. – Here, independent describes a state or a way of being, hence it is an abstract noun.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Nouns Part II

These nouns are the names of specific people and places. These nouns also refer to the names of the days of weeks and months, and also the various names for religions, organizations, institutions, etc. Proper nouns basically refer to the names that are specific to that particular noun.  These nouns are always capitalised as they need to be distinct from other nouns.
  • William Shakespeare was a playwright. - Proper noun that is the name of a specific person.
  • I will be visiting New York next month. - Proper noun that is the name of a specific place.
  • Everyone dislikes Monday mornings. - The names of days are proper nouns. 
  • The holy book of Islam is the Koran. - Name of a religion and religious text.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Nouns Part I

Nouns are simply the names we give to everything around us, whether it be a person, an event, a place or an object, etc. Every particular name used to define something is a noun. E.g. : Amsterdam, Anita, Blackberry, Honesty, Waiter, etc.  
The names given to a group of noun to identify them as a whole are calledCollective Nouns. E.g.:  pride of lions, gaggle of geese etc. 
Nouns or pronouns can also modify themselves to show possession of another noun, usually by attaching 's' to the end of the noun. These nouns that show possession are called Possessive Nouns

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Articles Part III

Where articles are not used?
The usage of articles is one of the most confusing things to remember for many English learners. It is not always necessary to use articles everywhere. Our tip is to remember the cases where articles should not be used.
Do not use articles:
Ø  When you talk about things in general.
For example: I like birds.
Here, the speaker wants to imply that he/she likes any bird in general, and not a specific type of a bird.
Ø  When talking about plural count nouns.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Articles Part II

Difference between “A” and “The”
"The", as mentioned earlier, is used to give information about particular or known nouns. These are usually things that have been mentioned before or that the listener is familiar with. On the other hand, "A" or "an" is used to talk about things which are not particular. Usually, these are things that haven't been mentioned before or that the listener is unfamiliar with.

For example, study these sentences:
I went to see a tattoo artist.
The tattoo artist has given me an appointment next week.
It is clear that in the first sentence, the speaker did not go to see a particular tattoo artist. He/she went to see any tattoo artist and was speaking to a friend about the same. The tattoo artist in this case has either not been mentioned before or is not that important, and therefore their identity is unknown.
Whereas in the second sentence, the speaker refers to the tattoo artist that had already been mentioned before. The identity is already known, therefore, “the” has been used to refer the tattoo artist.
Usage of ‘the’

Monday, July 22, 2013

Articles Part I

What is an article?
An article is a word that modifies or describes the Noun. It is used before the noun to show whether it refers to something specific or not. So, in a way, articles can also be described as a type of adjectives as they also tell us something about the nouns, like adjectives.
Types of Articles
There are two types of Articles in the English language. They are as follows:
Definite article: Definite means to be clear, exact or obvious about something. It is called definite because it is used in relation to a particular thing or person. “The”is the definite article in English, which is used to refer to particular nouns, the identities of which are known. The definite article indicates that the noun is specific. The speaker talks about a particular thing. For example:
The cat sat on the couch.
The dog attacked me and ran away.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Adverbs Part II

Adverbs of Degree
She almost finished the work.
The Verb here is finished and the Adverb is almost which is telling us about the amount of the work finished. The question being asked is: How much of the work did she finish?  
They were completely surprised by the windfall.
The adverb here is completely which is showing the degree to which ‘they’ weresurprised which is the Verb.  The question being asked here is: How much were they surprised?
The Adverbs of Degree are used to show to what extent or how much has an action been done or will be done. Other examples of these Adverbs are - Fully, Partially, Altogether etc.

Adverbs of Confirmation and Negation

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Adverbs Part I

Adverbs are words that are used in sentences to describe or change the meaning of a Verb or Adjective or even another Adverb. They add description to the sentence to make it more detailed and interesting.  For example:
He walked slowly across the square.  
Here, one can see that the Adverb ‘slowly’ is describing the Verb ‘walk’ by telling that the person was walking slowly. 

Types of Adverbs

Adverbs are used in sentences to answer many questions about the Verbs/Adjectives/Adverbs themselves. The different types  of Adverbs are as following:

Adverb of Time
E.g.: The results were announced yesterday.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Adjectives Part II

Adjectives Part I <-- click here 

4. Demonstrative Adjectives - These adjectives are used to point out or indicate a particular noun or pronoun using the adjectives - ThisThatThese andThose
o   That bag belongs to Neil. 
o   Try using this paintbrush in art class.
o   I really like those shoes.
o   These flowers are lovely. 

5. Interrogative Adjectives - These adjectives are used to ask questions about nouns or in relation to nouns, they are - WhereWhatWhich and Whose.
o   Where did he say he was going? 
o   What assignment did I miss out on?
o   Which is your favorite author?
o   Whose pen is this? 

In some instances, we find that we need to use more than one adjective to describe a noun in a satisfactory manner. In these cases, commas are used to separate the adjectives but some series of adjectives do not require a comma. Therefore, we need to know the difference between Coordinate and Non-coordinate Adjectives -

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Adjectives Part I

Adjectives are words that are used to describe (what kind of?) nouns and pronouns and to quantify (how much of?) and identify (which one?) them. In a nutshell, Adjectives are what define nouns and give them characteristics to differentiate them from other nouns. For example:
He was wearing a blue shirt.
Here ‘blue’ is an adjective as it is describing the noun ‘shirt’ by answering the question ‘what kind of shirt?’

There are seven rooms in the house.
Here ‘Seven’ is also an adjective as it’s telling the quantity/the number of the noun ‘rooms’, answering the question ‘how many rooms?’. 

There are different types of adjectives based upon their effect on a noun and what do they tell about the noun. There are five categories of adjectives

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

In the Present Perfect Continuous tense, the action has been taking place for some time and is still ongoing. The duration for which the action has been going on is usually mentioned in the present perfect continuous tense.

VERB + ing
have been
for an hour.
have been
for an hour.
has been
for an hour.
has been
for an hour.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Improve English

The importance of the English language cannot be overemphasized. Comfort with English is almost a prerequisite for success in the world today. Regardless of the industry, proficiency in English is an important factor in both hiring and promotion decisions.
A lot of us have studied English in school and are fairly comfortable with reading and writing. However, we hesitate while speaking because we feel that we lack the fluency and may make grammatical mistakes. We are afraid of speaking English in formal situations and we are quick to switch to our native language once we are in the company of our family and friends.
There is no quick fix when it comes to improving your command over a particular language. It always requires a lot of time and effort.
Here are EnglishLeap’s top ten tips for success in achieving proficiency and fluency in English:

10 tips for speaking in English

1.     The first thing I would do after getting up every morning was read the newspaper, front to back. It doesn’t matter which newspaper you subscribe to, as long as it is a major English-language paper, such as The Hindu, The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, etc.  While different people have different opinions on the quality of each paper, they are all more or less equally useful in getting to learn the language. It is also not necessary to read every page and article; it is time-consuming and, sometimes, boring. However, you should most definitely look for articles that interest you.
2.     I bought a pocket dictionary. They are cheap, compact and useful. There were many words I came across on a day-to-day basis that I did not know, and carrying a pocket dictionary everywhere allowed me to look up these words immediately so that the matter would not slip off my mind later.
3.     Once learned, I also made a conscious effort to use the words in conversation. This instilled the words in my head and I was able to draw on them whenever required.
4.     I convinced some of my friends to come together and form something of a ‘study group’; we were all interested in learning English, and I figured it would make it easier and more fun for us to do it together. We met twice a week in the evening and discussed the words and phrases we had come across, suggested articles, magazines, and books to each other, etc.

Friday, July 5, 2013

ஆங்கில பாடப் பயிற்சி - 1 (Grammar Patterns 1)

முழுமையான தமிழ் விளக்கத்துடன் ஆங்கில இலக்கண பாடப் பயிற்சி.
இது பாடசாலை பாடத்திட்டத்தைப் போன்றோ, ஆங்கில பேச்சுப் பயிற்சி (Spoken English) போன்றோ அல்லாமல், முழுமையான தமிழ் விளக்கத்துடன் கூடிய ஆங்கில இலக்கண பாடத் திட்டத்தைக்கொண்டது. இதில் சகல "Grammar Patterns" களையும் உள்ளடக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

இப்பாடத்திட்டத்தில் இலக்கணப் பிழையின்றி ஆங்கிலம் பேசவும், எழுதவும், வாசிக்கவும் கற்றுக்கொள்ளலாம்.

தமிழ் மொழிப்பெயர்ப்பு பற்றிய விளக்கம்

உதாரணமாக "I do a job" எனும் வாக்கியத்தை தமிழில் மொழி பெயர்ப்போமானால் "நான் ஒரு வேலை செய்கின்றேன்." என்று தான் கூறுவோம். ஆனால் நாம் இந்த ஆங்கில பாடப் பயிற்சியில் "நான் செய்கின்றேன் ஒரு வேலை." என்றே தமிழாக்கம் செய்துள்ளோம். இதற்கான காரணம் இவ்வாறுதான் ஆங்கிலத்தை தமிழில் மொழிப்பெயர்க்க வேண்டும் என்று நாம் கூறவில்லை. ஆனால் முடிந்தவரையில் ஆங்கில நடைக்கு ஏற்றாற் போல் தமிழ் விளக்கம் கொடுத்து பயிற்சி செய்தால்; ஆங்கில வார்த்தைகளுக்கு மட்டுமல்லாமல், ஒவ்வொரு ஆங்கில சொற்களுக்குமான தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தையும் விளங்கிக் கற்க இலகுவாய் இருக்கும் என்பது எமது கருத்தாகும்.

சரி பாடத்திற்குச் செல்வோம்.

இங்கே "do a job" எனும் ஒரு வார்த்தையை இன்றையப் பாடமாக எடுத்துள்ளோம். இவ்வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம் "செய் ஒரு வேலை" என்பதாகும். இதை "நான் செய்கின்றேன் ஒரு வேலை, நான் செய்தேன் ஒரு வேலை, நான் செய்வேன் ஒரு வேலை" என ஒரே வார்த்தையை 73 விதமாக மாற்றி பயிற்சி செய்வதே இப்பாடத்திட்டத்தின் நோக்கமாகும். இது மிகவும் இலகுவாகவும் அதிவிரைவாகவும் ஆங்கிலம் கற்றுக்கொள்ளக் கூடிய ஓர் பயிற்சி முறையாகும். 

do a job

1. do a Job.
நான் செய்கின்றேன்
 ஒரு வேலை.

2. I am doing a job

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ஆங்கில இணைப்புச்சொற்கள் (Conjunctions)

ஆங்கில இணைப்புச்சொற்கள் என்றால் என்ன?

ஆங்கில இணைப்புச் சொற்கள் என்றால்ஆங்கில பேச்சின்கூறுகளில் உள்ளடங்கும் எட்டுக் கூறுகளில் ஒன்றாகும்இவை சொற்கள் (words), சொற்றொடர்கள் (Phrases) மற்றும் வாக்கியத்தின் உட்கூறுகள் (clauses) போன்றவற்றை இணைக்கப் பயன்படும் சிறிய சொற்கள் மற்றும் சொற்றொடர்கள் ஆகும்வாக்கியக் கூறுகளை இணைத்து நீண்ட ஒரு வாக்கியமாக அல்லது வாக்கியத் தொடராக பொருளை உணர்த்த இந்த இணைப்புச்சொற்கள் ஆங்கில இலக்கணப் பயன்பாட்டில் மிக முக்கியமானவைகளாகும்.

இணைப்புச்சொற்கள் பயன்படு முறைகள்

இணைப்புச்சொற்கள் எவ்வாறு எத்தனை முறைகளில் பயன்படுகின்றன?
இவை இரண்டு அல்லது இரண்டிற்கு மேற்பட்ட வாக்கியக் கூறுகளை இணைக்க தனித்த ஒற்றை சொல்கூட்டுச்சொற்கள்இடமாறி பயன்படும் சொற்கள் என மூன்று முறைகளில் பயன்படுகின்றன.


தனித்த ஒற்றைச்சொல்:
  • and
  • for
  • because
  • as long as
  • in order that
  • provided that
இடம் மாறி பயன்படும் சொற்கள்
  • so ... that
  • either ... or
  • not only ... but also
இணைப்புச்சொற்களின் வகைகள்

ஆங்கிலத்தில் எத்தனை வகையான இணைப்புச்சொற்கள் உள்ளன?

ஆங்கிலத்தில் நான்கு வகையான இணைப்புச்சொற்கள் உள்ளனஅவைகளாவன:

Coordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions
Conjunctive Adverbs

ஆங்கில இணைப்புச்சொற்களின் வகைகளை மூன்றாக மட்டுமே  வகைப்படுத்துவோரும் உளர். இருப்பினும் "Conjunctive Adverbs" களும் வாக்கியக் கூறுகளை இணைக்கப் பயன்படுவதால் அவற்றையும் இணைப்புச் சொற்களாகவே  பல ஆங்கில இலக்கணவாதிகள் வகைப்படுத்துகின்றனர். எனவே நாமும் இங்கே நான்காகவே வகைப்படுத்தியுள்ளோம் என்பதை கருத்தில் கொள்க.