Saturday, November 26, 2016

Marketing - Sales



after sales serviceService that continues after the sale of a product (maintenance, etc.)
agentPerson or company that acts for another and provides a specified service.
B2B e-commerceBusiness to business e-commerce : use of commercial networks, online product catalogues and other online resources to obtain better prices and reach new customers.
B2C e-commerceBusiness to consumer e-commerce :
online sale of goods and services directly to consumers.
benchmarkingComparing one's products to those of  competitors in order to improve quality and performance.
buyer1) Any person who makes a purchase.
2) A person employed to choose and buy stock for a company.
cash refund offerOffer to pay back part of the purchase price of a product to customers who send a "proof of purchase" to the manufacturer.
chain storeTwo or more shops or outlets that have the same owner and sell similar lines of merchandise.
clientA person who buys services or advice from a lawyer, an accountant or other professional.
closeFinalize a sale or deal.
convenience storeSmall shop located near a residential area that opens long hours, seven days a week.
couponCertificate that gives customers a saving when they purchase a specific product.
dealA business transaction.
department storeA large shop or store that carries a wide variety of product lines.
direct investmentEntering a foreign market by setting up assembly or manufacturing facilities in that country.
discountA reduction in price.
e-commerceBuying and selling by electronic means, primarily on the internet.
e-marketingPromotion of products and services over the internet.
extranetNetwork that connects a company with its suppliers and distributors
follow-upMaintain contact after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction.
franchiseAssociation between a manufacturer or wholesaler (franchiser) and an independent business person (franchisee) who buys the right to own and operate a unit in the franchise system.
guaranteeA promise that product will be repaired or replaced if faulty.
intranetA network that connects people to each other within a company.
joint ventureA way of entering a foreign market by joining with a foreign company to manufacture or market a product or service.
market leaderThe company with the largest market share in an industry.
mark upPercentage of the price added to the cost to reach a selling price.
opinion leaderPerson with a reference, who, because of competence, knowledge, or other characteristics, exerts influence on others.
packagingDesigning and producing the container or wrapper for a product.
product lineA group of products that are closely related.
prospectA potential customer.
representativeA person who represents and sells for a company.
retailTo sell in small quantities, as in a shop, directly to customers.
shopping centreGroup of shops developed and managed as a unit.
telephone marketingUsing the telephone to sell directly to customers.
trade fairAn exhibition at which companies in a specific industry can show or demonstrate their products.
viral marketingThe internet version of word-of-mouth marketing - email messages that customers pass on to friends.
wholesaleTo sell goods and services to those buying for resale (e.g. a shop) or for business use.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Investments - Stock Market

BidThe price a buyer is willing to offer for shares in a company.
Blue Chip StocksStocks of leading companies with a reputation for stable growth and earnings.
BondCertificate issued by companies and governments to their lenders.
CapitalMoney and other property of companies used in transacting the business.
Capital stockAll shares representing ownership of a company.
CommoditiesProducts such as agricultural products and natural resources (wood, oil and metals) that are traded on a separate, authorized commodities exchange.
DividendA portion of a  company's earnings which is paid to the shareholders/stockholders on a quarterly or annual basis.
EquityThe value of stocks and shares;  the net value of mortgaged property.
EquitiesStocks and shares which represent a portion of the capital of a company.
FuturesContracts to buy or sell securities at a future date.
InsiderAll those who have access to inside information concerning the company.
Insider dealing / tradingBuying or selling with the help of information known only to those connected with the business.
IPOInitial Public Offering - selling part of a company on the stock market.
IssuePut into circulation a number of a company's shares for sale.
LiabilitiesThe debts and obligations of a company or an individual.
MortgageAgreement by which a bank or building society lends money for the purchase of property, such as a  house or apartment.  The property is the security for the loan.
Mutual fundSavings fund that uses cash from a pool of savers to buy securities such as stock, bonds or real estate.
OptionThe right to buy and sell certain securities at a specified price and period of time.
Par valueNominal face value.
Penny stockShares selling at less than $1 a share.
PortfolioVarious types of securities held by an individual or institution.
SecuritiesTransferable certificates showing ownership of stocks, bonds, shares, options, etc.
ShareThe capital of a company is divided into shares which entitle the owner, or shareholder, to a proportion of the profits.
Share certificateCertificate representing the number of shares owned by an investor.
ShareholderOwner of shares.
SpeculatorSomeone who buys and sells stocks and shares in the hope of making a profit through changes in their value.
StockShares (portion of the capital of a business company) held by an investor.
StockbrokerA licensed professional who buys and sells stocks and shares for clients in exchange for a fee called a 'commission'.
StockholderPerson who owns stocks and shares.
TraderInvestor who holds stocks and securities for a short time (minutes, hours or days) with the objective of making profit from short-term gains in the market.
 Investment is generally based on stock price rather than on an evaluation of the company.
Trading sessionPeriod during which the Stock Exchange is open for trading.
Venture capitalMoney raised by companies to finance new ventures in exchange for percentage ownership.
YieldReturn on investment shown as a percentage.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Interview Questions

Before the interview :
  • Prepare and practise giving responses to the questions without trying to memorise them.
  • Find out as much as possible about the company as well as the position you are interested in.
  • Remember to take an extra copy of your CV/résumé with you so that the employer can refer to it.

1Tell me about yourself.
2How would you describe yourself? (character / personality)
3Are you married?  Single?  Do you have partner?
4What are your strengths / weaknesses?
5What do you do in your free time?
What are your hobbies?  /  Do you have any hobbies?
6Why are you interested in working for our company?
Why do you want to work for this company?
7What type of position do you think you are suited for / would suit you?
8How would you describe the position we have to offer?
9What aspects of the position are you most / least interested in?
10What would you like to find in this job that you didn't have in your previous job?
11How do you think you could develop the position?
What would be your strategy to develop the position?
12What have you got to offer us?
What could you contribute to our company?
13What do you think you gained by working in your last job?
14What were you responsible for?
What did your job involve?
15What do you think of your (last) boss?
16Why do you want to leave your present job?
Why do you want to change jobs?
17What are your salary requirements?
How much would you hope to earn in this position?
How much do you think you should be offered for this position?
What salary would you expect (to be offered) for this position?
18Have you received any offers of a job?
19Why have you had to look for a job for so long?
Why have you been looking for a job for so long?
Why did it take you so long to find a new job?
20How do your feel about your future in the profession?
21Have you had any failures?  What failures have you had?
Have you had any negative experiences?
22What sort of obstacles have you come across / encountered in your work?
23If you had to recruit colleagues, what qualities would you look for?
24Would you be willing to relocate/to move to another part of the country/to work abroad?
25Don't you think you have too much experience / you are over-qualified for this job?
26How long do you think you would stay with us?
If we offered you this job, how long would you expect to stay with us?
27Which do you prefer : to work alone or in a team?
Do you prefer working alone or with other people as part of a team?
28Do you know how to manage a team?
Are you capable of leading a team?
Do you think you have the ability to be a team leader?
29Why should I recruit you?
How could you persuade me to recruit me?
30Do you have any comments to make, or any questions to ask?

Friday, November 18, 2016

Conclusions - useful phrases

  • We must focus our attention on ...
  • What I suggest is ...
  • There is a necessity for ...
  • We need more ...
  • We have no choice but to ...
  • Appropriate measures must be taken
  • The only option we have is to ...
  • These changes are inevitable.
  • We will have to revise our estimation.
  • The result / outcome will be ...
  • I strongly recommend ...
  • To conclude, I am happy / I regret to announce that ...

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Commenting trends - useful phrases

  • Increases :
    • a slight/constant/marked/substantial/increase in sales
    • an increase of about/roughly/approximately/in the region of ... %
    • a little over/above what we predicted
    • the recovery/upturn began in (month)
    • an overall increase in ...
    • an upward trend in the demand for ...
    • sales reached record levels / reached a peak in (month)
    • a strong surge in the sales of ...
    • by (month), the figure had risen to ...
    • we predict that sales will soar in the coming year / over the next ... months
  • Decreases :
    • just under our target
    • way below our expectations
    • a slight / notable / significant decrease in ...
    • the downturn began in (month)
    • the situation began to deteriorate in (month)
    • the number has continued to fall
  • Fluctuations :
    • a slow start developed into steady progress in sales
    • an initial upward trend was followed by ...
    • we note slight fluctuations through the year
    • normal seasonal variations are the cause of occasional downward trends
    • sales have been (rather) irregular
    • the level / the rate has been unstable since ...
    • you will note a certain instability in the rate of ...

Graphs - Charts

Presenting Visuals -  useful phrases & vocabulary :

  • As you will see from this graph ...
  • I'd like to show you this chart on which you will see ...
  • Let me draw your attention to this part of the graph.
  • Let's look more closely at this month's figures.
  • This figure refers to the sales in China only.
  • This pie chart shows our share of the European market today.
  • As you can see, our main competitor has an even bigger share.
  • The bar chart represents sales in our Asian outlets.
  • Here you can see a comparison between ...
  • On the line graph you will note :

    • a strong upward trend in the sales of product A ...
      • despite occasional fluctuations ...
      • with a slight drop during the holiday season ...
      • with occasional variations due to ...

    • the overall performance of product B is good. 
      • The initial surge in sales was followed by a period
        of slower growth in the second half of the year.
      • The instant success of the product was followed by a 
        period of stability in the level of sales.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Employment - Jobs



assessmentEvaluation of one's abilities
backgroundEducation - qualifications - experience
bonusAdditional payment to an employee as an incentive or reward
curriculum vitaeSummary of one's education and experience to date;  resume
dismissDischarge from employment (to fire, to sack, to let go)
employeePerson who works for a firm or company.
employerPerson or firm who employs people.
fireTo dismiss from a job.
fringe benefits
Advantages offered in addition to salary (life insurance, retirement scheme, company car, etc.).

Also called 'perks', abbreviation for 'perquisites'.
hireEmploy or take on personnel in a company.
interviewOral examination of a candidate for employment.
make redundantDismiss for economic reasons.
maternity leavePeriod of absence for a female employee when having a baby.
Advance warning of intention to leave one's job -

to give or hand in one's resignation.
personnelPeople who work for a firm or company (employees).
personnel officerManager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel (employees).
promotionAdvancement in rank or position in a company.
prospectsOpportunities for success or promotion in a career.
recruitLook for and hire personnel.
resignLeave a job voluntariily.
retireLeave employment because of age.
sick leaveAbsence because of illness - to be on sick leave.
staffPeople who work for a firm or department;  employees.
strengthStrong characteristic or particular ability.
strikeTo go on strike : to stop working in protest against something.
take onEmploy or hire.
traineePerson being trained for a job e.g. a trainee salesman.
training courseA course of study to prepare for a job e.g. a computer course.
unemployment benefitsPayments made by the state to an unemployed person.
vacancyA position to be filled.
weaknessA lack of ability or a shortcoming in character.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Computers & Information Technology



modemA device that enables a computer to send and receive information over a telephone line (internet, email,  fax). 
netiquetteNetwork etiquette : a set of informal rules defining proper behaviour on the internet.
portalA website that acts as a gateway or entry point to the internet (for example, Yahoo).
Typically, a portal offers a search engine and links to other sites grouped into categories, as well as news or other services.
programA sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute in order to do a particular job.  Programs are collectively referred to as 'software'.
providerCompany that provides access to the internet.
scannerA piece of hardware, or peripheral device, used to scan a document and create a digital copy.
spamUnwanted, irrelevant or inappropriate e-mail messages, especially commercial advertising.  Also referred to as 'junkmail'.
spywareSoftware that collects information, without your knowledge, about your web-surfing habits and uses it for marketing purposes.  Very often contained in free downloads or shareware programs.
trojanA computer program that is hidden in a useful softwareapplication and actually used to gain access to your computer.  It then performs malicious actions such as displaying messages or erasing files. Trojans may be found in a hacked legitimate program or in free software.
videoconferenceInteractive, audiovisual meeting between two or more people in different geographic locations using two-way video technology.
virusA malicious self-replicating program that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other executable code or documents, and whose sole intent is to cause problems on a computer.
It acts in a similar way to a biological virus, and the infected file is called a host.
wormA self-replicating computer program, similar to a computer virus.  It infects additional computers (typically by making use of network connections), often clogging networks and information systems as it spreads.
wysiwygWhat you see is what you get (pronounced ' wizzy-wig').
A WYSIWYG application enables you to see on the screen exactly what will appear when the document is printed.
wwwWorld Wide Web : a hypertext information system consisting of a network of web pages which runs on the internet and can be accessed with a browser.
zipTo zip a file is to compress it so that it occupies less storage space and can be transferred quickly over the internet.