Thursday, August 10, 2023

How to self-edit your own writing | how to edit writing professionally - Author Is2023

“Write without fear Edit without mercy”

Good writing is a skill with able-editing. From an incoherent information via self-editing, you get a critically acclaimed one. With time, one can learn how to write, along with editing.

Self-editing gives idea of one’s own bottlenecks to correct. A first draft less correction and less time consuming final draft writing serves the purpose of mastering self-editing.

Smart Tips for Editing Your Own Writing.

  1. RE-READ
  6. WORDS


During initial days of practice, first write a rough draft. Once you finish writing, when you re-read from beginning, you can feel the urge to make certain changes. When you read after several hours, you will be able to spot the weakness, sometimes the need to rewrite from scratch.

Do not get disheartened. This response is due to either, you are now well-aware of the topic to prepare additional points or you self-criticize a lot on your work. Everyone crosses this phase during the initial phase of learning.

Keep in mind that slow steady steps without giving up is path to learning. It is not a single day evaluation that is your ability in writing. If you take a three-month old practice paper and compare them to your first-day scratch writing, you see a notable difference.

·    As a writer, have a general idea of, What kind/purpose/message of passage are you drafting for the reader?

To deliver the message at ease, place the following points in your draft,


 In a draft, layout consists of heading, sub-heading and proper positioning of paragraphs. This method communicate best the idea of the writer to reader of what to expect just by skimming through.


 Form a pattern in placing the,

 “Points in a paragraph, paragraph in a section, sections in a draft”

An ideal presentable draft should be well-devised in delivering the intentions of the writer to reader. While editing, you come across unnecessary points/paragraph, over-explained part, naming of sub-heading to be fixed, switching points in between for better clarity, switching sub-headings for easy flow, editing the usage of words. For these corrections, before you write, form a “structure”.


Content in a text consists of words, facts, statements, views, reasoning of topic. While each them plays their part well in explaining the reader.


According to who is your reader and text intention, one plays with tone and style of writing.

Incase of this blog, a non-formal tone with appropriate level of difficulty, not too technical is preferred while writing.

For leave request, we use a respectful tone in simplified style is required.

Then comes the,


The building blocks of a document has words, sentence, paragraph.


  • Use words with
  •  Precise meaning
  • Spelt correct 
  • Grammar usage

Certain words can only be used to deliver the idea without misunderstanding the point. A misspelt word can alter the meaning without realizing. Grammar usage is important in text, as it helps in reader perception.

Word choice is one that can change the whole feel of document. If you use weak words, without its proper usage, can only worsen. If you are not sure to use the words at a place, do not write it. Writer should focus on single idea or feeling to not divert the whole piece.

Words chosen be varied and precise. For example, the word “writing” in this blog is substituted with “text”, “document”, “draft”, “message”. Much varied words without repetition, when used deliver exact meaning with good sense of reading and learning. Precise-enough words to be chosen to convey. For example, here if “precise” convey better than “accurate” in sentence. Use that word instead.


Words as,

VERB: Keep “verb” part short in sentence. They leave a strong impression.

Ex: Instead of “There is disagreement between them”,

Use “They disagree”.

Skip the dramatic “verb” part and dive into message part of sentence.

Ex: Instead of “Do not cut through when I am talking”

Use “Don’t interrupt”.

NOUN: Nouns are to be carefully selected. They give visual images in reader. Use concrete nouns for this purpose.

 Ex: The noun “picture” can be changing as “scenery”, “visual”, “landscape”, “topography”, “terrain”.

ADJECTIVE, ADVERB: In particular style of writing, preferred by reader, it is better to avoid adjective and adverb usage. Be direct in expressing the thoughts and not stretch. Leave out if it doesn’t change the meaning of text.

Ex: “Severe problem” to “Crisis”

     “He runs every day so that he can lose weight” to

     “He runs to lose weight”.


Sentence convey the message. It is good to be small sentences good to follow. Use words like “whereas, though, but” to connect between sentence explaining ideas.

Use active sentence than passive.

Ex: ACTIVE voice: I hear the ticking of clock in middle of night.

Passive voice: Ticking of clock is heard by me in middle of night.

In sharing the thoughts, active voice suits better than passive voice sounds being a little preaching.


A paragraph may contain one idea at a time. Check if easy flow from sentence to sentence in a paragraph and then between paragraphs is not hindered.

Next is for better IMPRESSION:

Overall text should feel tight and concise. Irrelevant detail, distracting opinion’s, repetition makes less attentive of readers.

Avoid ambiguous saying. When we write, reader should never interpret more than one explanation at a time to distract one’s learning.

Jargon or high faulting expression is to add show-off and are not necessary. If it is to used, be sure if the reader will understand it properly.

Watch out for idioms, metaphors. If required, use properly. Be sure it suits the context.

“PROOFREADING is last.  Editing is first”.

After editing your final draft, read it aloud. You get to know what doesn’t sound right. In some cases, words do not rhyme well with meaning, sentence being extra-fitted, paragraph may inhibit smooth transition to next idea. 

Change and re-read.

One last question by writer, if I have done all work to present the script to reader? If yes, it is your final draft as self-editor.

Final Notion: By the time I finished this blog, I would have edited and rewritten many by the above rules. Reader’s understanding is aim of any writer.

Author - Is2023

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